This page serves as a landing page where visitors can learn about the different membership levels and their associated benefits. It provides an overview of what each membership tier offers and includes calls-to-action to encourage visitors to sign up.
Diese Seite dient als Landingpage, auf der Besucher mehr über die verschiedenen Mitgliedschaftsstufen und die damit verbundenen Vorteile erfahren können. Es bietet einen Überblick über die Angebote der einzelnen Mitgliedschaftsstufen und enthält Handlungsaufforderungen, um Besucher zur Anmeldung zu ermutigen.
Free Registration Forms
Form For Level #1 Access
PayPal Pro Forms
(recurring charge, for ongoing access/wiederkehrende Zahlung, für anhaltenden Zugang)
- Daily / Täglich
- Weekly / wöchentlich
- Bi-Weekly / zwei-wöchentlich
- Monthly / monatlich
- Bi-Monthly / zwei-monatlich
- Quarterly / quartalsweis
- Semi-Yearly / halb-jährig
- Yearly / jährlich
PayPal Pro Forms
(One Time / einmal Zahlung)
- One Time (1 day / 1 Tag)
- One Time (2 days / 2 Tage)
- One Time (3 days / 3 Tage)
- One Time (4 days / 4 Tage)
- One Time (5 days / 5 Tage)
- One Time (6 days / 6 Tage)
- One Time (for 1 week access, non recurring)
- One Time (for 2 week access, non-recurring)
- One Time (for 3 week access, non-recurring)
- One Time (for 1 month access, non-recurring)
- One Time (for 2 month access, non-recurring)
- One Time (for 3 month access, non-recurring
- One Time (for 4 month access, non-recurring)
- One Time (for 5 month access, non-recurring)
- One Time (for 6 month access, non-recurring
- One Time (for 1 year access, non-recurring)
Form For Level #2 Access
Form For Level #3 Access
Form For Level #4 Access
Billing Modification Forms
Capability Form (Buy Now) #1 Access
Capability Form (Buy Now) #2 Access
Capability Form (Buy Now) #3 Access
Capability Form (Buy Now) #4 Access
Capability Form (Buy Now) #5 Access
Capability Form (Buy Now) #6 Access